About Us
Firefighters attending the original All Saint's Church Hall, Oct 2002
The original All Saints Church Hall was destroyed by fire in October 2002. Funding from the Parochial Church Council, SureStart, Coalfield Regeneration Trust and landfill tax credits (from WREN and the Big Lottery Fund) was finally secured early 2005 and by July 2005 construction began on the new centre.
Owned by All Saints Church and built on the old All Saints Church Hall site on the corner of Common Road and Blackwell Road, the All Saints Centre Huthwaite was finally opened in April 2006 at a cost of £1.2m.
The new Centre in attractive surroundings
The new centre is a futuristic, multi-purpose building created to fulfil the community needs of the people of Huthwaite. Our mission statement: “to create a facility that will benefit all the residents of Huthwaite and which will enable our community to continually improve itself” is at the forefront of everything we do and strive for at the centre.
Appealing to a diverse sector of the community, the centre comprises a number of multi-purpose rooms, a fully equipped kitchen, a community cafe and a children’s centre & creche facility operated by SureStart.